Every Wednesday begining 3rd June 13:30pm – Duration 15-20mins
“Resilient Cities and Communities” and how we can rethink and create these post COVID19, with speakers from around the globe.
Moderator: Dorothy Stewart, ESAI Council & EPA
‘Developing a dance-based workshop in Science Communication’ – Aoife Long
‘OpenLitterMap: Open Data on Plastic Pollution with Blockchain Rewards (Littercoin)’ – Sean Lynch
ESAI ‘Nature is Art’ Competition
Launched by Dr John Gallagher, ESAI Communication Officer & Trinity College Dublin
Moderator: Dr Anne Morrissey, ESAI Council & DCU Water Institute
‘Irish Agriculture: Beyond Greenwashing And Towards A Green New Deal With Nature’ – John Gibbons
‘Why During This Health Crisis The Biodiversity Crisis Matters Even More’ – Dr Peter Stuart
Closing Remarks, Dr James Carton DCU Water Institute
24th, 25th, 29th & 30th June 13:30-16:30pm
With Discounted Prices available for ESAI Members
Harnessing the power of sustainable healthy behavioural change to help strenghten and re-build our communities
Moderator: Dr Frances Lucy, ESAI Council & IT Sligo
‘Safeguarding private water supplies from contamination through public engagement’ – Jean O’Dwyer
‘The use of citizen science in ladybird recording’ – Gill Weyman
ESAI ‘Environmental Taskmaster Challenge’ Competition
Promoted by Dr John Gallagher, ESAI Communication Officer
Moderator: Liam McCarton, ESAI & TU Dublin
‘Novel methods of monitoring Atlantic salmon using environmental DNA’ – Molly Williams
‘Electricity use on Irish dairy farms-A national approach to improving efficiency using artifical intelligence’ – Philip Shine
ESAI ‘Environmental Taskmaster Challenge’ & ESAI ‘Nature is Art’ Competition
Reminders from Dr John Gallagher, ESAI Communication Officer
Thursday 16th July, 19:00-20:30
This is a relaxed, family-friendly gathering where your can participate on your own, your household/family and friends. All you need is a laptop/tablet, pen and paper, and a camera phone. Answers will be uploaded by emailing a photo of your answers on the night to communications@esaiweb.org (it couldn't be simpler).
Host & MC: Niamh Power, ESAI & Institute of Technology Cork.
Thursday 23rd July, 11:00-12:00 Download Flyer
‘Looking back the effect of Foot & Mouth on my PhD’ – Prof Enda Hayes, UWE Bristol
‘Managing Productivity during COVID’ – Carol O’Sullivan, Environmental Protection Agency
‘KelpRes: Working with citizen scientists to better understand marine habitats, escpecially kelp forests in Ireland’ – Dr Kathryn Schoenrock, NUIGalway
ESAI ‘Environmental Taskmaster Challenge’ & ESAI ‘Nature is Art’ Competition
Reminders from Dr John Gallagher, ESAI Communication Officer
The ESAI Summer Webinar Series of events are funded by the EU Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) programme (EuropeAid/151103/DH/ACT/Multi) and the Build Solid
Ground Campaign, which aims to inform and actively engage EU citizens in actions towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities.